Ambassadors for Positive Change

How to become an Ambassador for Positive Change, and be a voice for this movement:


Step One:  Become a Think Positive World member, which gives you the transformational tools, techniques and strategies for maximizing well-being in your life.

Step Two:  Take the pledge to do whatever you possibly can, with total integrity, to spread kindness and enrich the live of others, by helping them to create an awareness and understanding of the importance of having a positive mindset in a world filled with negativity and violence.  Each Ambassador receives an official Think Positive World Ambassador for Positive Change certificate.

Step Three:  Take the 30-Day Think Positive Challenge and continue to develop a positive mindset each and every day of your life.

Step Four:  Become the Positive Link.  Goodness spreads naturally.  You are a light to all those with whom you come in contact.  As an Ambassador for Positive Change, you will automatically share the newly found energy you have attained through your personal transformation and practice of the 10 Daily Fundamentals to Greater Well-Being with close friends and family, who will notice the change in you and naturally ask you what you are doing differently. The door is now open for you to help others in your community (schools, businesses, organizations, institutions) city, state, country and the world.

Additional benefits for Ambassadors:
*  A 5% discount will be given on programs for organizations and institutions on behalf of the Ambassador who introduces the program.  i.e. If a member brings the “I’m A Person” program to their child’s school, the school will receive a 5% discount.
*  Ambassadors can be involved in special projects with their peers according to their professions:  i.e. Celebrities for Positive Change / Dentists for Positive Change / Architects for Positive Change.